Now Shooting- Feature Film Week Three!

Posted: April 16, 2016-Likes: 0-Comments: 0-Categories: News

afilm’s Feature Film, “Enclosed”, now shooting third week.

Feature Film Week Three!

Guests from the Motion Picture Department at Fujifilm España and Dynamic Filming visit the Enclosed set!

Sitges Film School

Another amazing week of doing what we love most- shooting feature films!  This week, we’ve had visitors from the Motion Picture department of Fujifilm España, (Albert Flaunt and Salvador Luna), as well as Paul Pastecchi of Dynamic Filming, who can to shoot with his cable camera system.  Fantastic week all around!

¡Rodando- Semana tres del largometraje!

Otra semana incredible de rodaje, haciendo lo que más nos gusta, ¡rodar largometrajes!  Esta semana, hemos tenido visitas especiales, incluyendo a Albert Flaunt y Salvador Luna del Motion Picture department de Fujifilm España, al igual que  Paul Pastecchi de Dynamic Filming, que vino a rodar con nosotros con su cable camera system.  ¡Una semana increíble!

On set of “Enclosed”!
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afilm International Film Workshops
afilm Barcelona Film School
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afilm Film School