(English) Afilm Summer Workshops!

Posted: agosto 20, 2016-Likes: 0-Comments: 0-Categories: News

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Come discover Afilm’s film workshops!

Explore some of the film industry’s most exciting subjects- Steadicam operating, Arri Alexa Camera, Casting, Screenwriting and more!

Ven a descubrir algunos de los aspectos mas emocionantes del mundo del cine- ¡Steadicam, cámara, casting, guión y mucho más!

Afilm film workshops


Come Discover Afilm workshops!

Come join us for a few days to a few weeks, as we explore some of the film industry’s most exciting subjects- from our Steadicam workshop, Arri Alexa Camera workshop, An Agent’s Perspective Casting workshop, to our 10 week Art and Business of Feature Film Screenwriting

For more info, please contact info@afilm.es.

  • What’s on offer

    The workshop is fast, intensive and absorbing. Our key goal is to give students the tools, the mindset and the support they need to work in the real world. By the end of the workshop, students will have evolved professionally, worked with an industry professional, have professional screenwriting experience and a first draft of a feature film screenplay.

    Led by feature film writer/director Yolanda Torres, this 10 week workshop is designed for learning all the aspects of feature film screenwriting, from developing the idea to the first draft of a feature screenplay.

    What will you get out of it?

    The Workshop will consist of lectures, demonstrations and software training, in a practical workshop, which meets on Saturdays, so students may develop their writing during the week, in preparation for each session. You will develop a first draft of a feature film screenplay in this time.

Steadicam training
afilm Actors One Agency
afilm screenwriting programme